Искаш да вземеш участие в обучения и трейнинги, организирани от водещи обучители? Искаш да станеш част от голямото семейство на сертифицирани обучители на АСМБ?
Ето това е твоята възможност – участвай в пред Генералната Асамблея (pre-GA) от 28 февруари до 2 март 2017г. в Будва, Черна гора, на която имаш възможност да вземеш участие в един от следните уъркшопа:
- Public Health Leadership Training (PHLT) on Anti-Microbial Resistance
- Essential Leadership skills
- From Idea to Impact
- Global External Focus Areas and External Representation in IFMSA
- HIV Education and Advocacy Training (H.E.A.T.)
- International Training on Disaster Medicine (ITDM)
- Training New Human Rights Trainers(TNHRT)
- Presidents preGA
- Training New Medical Education Trainers (TMET)
- Training New Exchange Trainers (TNET)
- Training New Trainers (TNT)
- Transforming Our World by 2030: Reaching the SDGs
Всеки кандидат трябва да попълни следната бланка за участие: https://docs.google.com/a/ifmsa.org/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScYJJs_EU_orzca4nwGWhY7Ce_FV69zS8VCHXuoNEde8tH2Ow/viewform?c=0&w=1
Краен срок за кандидатстване: 19/12/2016
А тук може да откриете повече информация за всички предложения: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1wzd3A3wIJMZERjN1hSLV9wYmM?usp=sharing
Пожелаваме Ви успех с кандидатстването и не забравяйте да ни информирате при участие в pre-GA като изпратите имейл на amsb-bulgaria@ifmsa.org с вашите имена и работилницата, за която сте избран.
You want to take part in trainings organized by leading trainers? You want to become part of the big family of AMSB certified trainers ?
This is your chance – take part in the pre General Assembly (pre-GA) from 28 February to 2 March 2017 in Budva, Montenegro, where you have the opportunity to take part in one of the following workshops:
- Public Health Leadership Training (PHLT) on Anti- Microbial Resistance
- Essential Leadership skills
- From Idea to Impact
- Global External Focus Areas and External Representation in IFMSA
- HIV Education and Advocacy Training (H.E.A.T.)
- International Training on Disaster Medicine (ITDM)
- Training New Human Rights Trainers (TNHRT)
- Presidents preGA
- Training New Medical Education Trainers (TMET)
- Training New Exchange Trainers (TNET)
- Training New Trainers (TNT)
- Transforming Our World by 2030: Reaching the SDGs
Each candidate must complete the following form for participation: https://docs.google.com/a/ifmsa.org/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScYJJs_EU_orzca4nwGWhY7Ce_FV69zS8VCHXuoNEde8tH2Ow/viewform?c=0&w=1
Application deadline: 19/12/2016
And here you can find more information about all the proposals: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1wzd3A3wIJMZERjN1hSLV9wYmM?usp=sharing
We wish you success with the application and be sure to inform us if you are selected for participating in pre-GA by sending an email to amsb-bulgaria@ifmsa.org with your names and the workshop for which you are selected.
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